We got a special surprise when we met Chelsea and Geoff for their engagement session at Leu Gardens –  Bug-A-Palooza, featuring the amazing sculptures of David Rogers. But the best part was hanging out with these two – obviously perfect for each other. I asked them to describe their relationship:
When we met we both knew “this could be the one”.  We are so excited that feeling was right… we fell in love and can’t wait to spend forever together. 

Orlando Engagement photographyOrlando Engagement photographyOrlando Engagement photographysculpture at Lue Gardens antant sculpture with couple happy couple in Orlandoblue dress engagement08_Lue_Gardens_Engagement_The_Canovas_Photoblack and white couple11_Lue_Gardens_Engagement_The_Canovas_PhotoOrlando Engagement photographyOrlando Engagement photographyengagement photography orlandoOrlando Engagement photographyspider sculpture Lue Gardensbrown eyed girlbamboo green coupleengagement ringlue gardens rose gardenengagement photographyengagement smile25_Lue_Gardens_Engagement_The_Canovas_Phototell me something funfunny things. couple with blue dresshow well do you know meblue dress at the partythank for the ring